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What's New: Chessin1Day & You!


We will teach at NY libraries this Winter & Spring,
stay tuned dates!

We have fall dates at New Canaan Library, grab your chess pieces for fun with Chessin1day, Friday (LINK, 9/6 & 10/18!
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 Spring & Summer, '24

ChessIn1Day's &

Online Clubs Are Open!

Join us after in-person sessions to keep playing online! 







UPCOMING:New Canaan Library's Summer Reading Kick-off celebration this Thursday (6/20)! Chessin1day will have our GIANT outdoor chessboard onsite/outside & offer complimentary  instruction throughout the event from 3-6 p.m.

"Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous chess board, and thank you, thank you, thank you for arranging for Ben and Wyatt to lead the chess! The giant chess board was a huge hit, and Ben and Wyatt were immensely helpful."

~Ms. Rebecca, NC Librarian"! 

♟UPCOMING: New Canaan LibraryJune 7th Kids & Families kick-off the summer with chess (WAIT LIST)!


♟New Canaan Library-find your Chess Seat 

May 24th we'll do a class just for T(W)EENS ages 12-18years!

♟Celebrating CHESS & CHOCOLATE PARTY this April as we partner with HERSHEY

~THANKS to a HERSHEY #HeartwarmingProject YSA Grant!

 Chess Party 4 CBOS at New Canaan Library for Horizons (Stamford, CT); Jewish Family Services;

The Boys & Girls Club (Stamford & Wakeman);New Canaan Youth and Family Services. ~ COVERAGE!








Winter '23-'24

We're booked at New Canaan Library-find your Chess Seat🤍 in May & June!

 💟"Thank you for another phenomenal Chess session on Friday! After Friday's class, a mom reached out to say how much her tween son enjoyed the class and to suggest that it could be great to have a session (or even a series) specifically for ages 10+"  ~Ms. Rebecca, NC Library Asst. Manager of  Family Services

On 3/8 we headed back to The Carver for Chess with Police Officers-which was an amazing way to build relationships in the Norwalk community through chess~ of course (LINK)!

We had a festive time bringing Chessi (!) to (LINK) The Carver House Holiday Party, 

Norwalk CT, 12/7!






Beginner and intermediate chess players, join Chessin1day at New Canaan Library, CT.

We'll introduce the rules of the game and help you think strategically.

This is a special intergenerational session, open to everyone from 1st grade through adulthood!



Fall, '23
Teachers College, Columbia University!  We'll teach chess at
on National Chess Day, October 14th~ (LINK) TO PHOTOS/TESTIMONIALS)!
Educators have the widest reach to instruct chess to future students.

Also, on 10/27 we'll teach another LARGE chess session at New Canaan Library
with over 30 students and 10+ teen instructors on hand! This fall we will offer students, families (parents/guardians), girls only, and educators classes
separately & together!

And...we're SO PROUD to be a US Chess AFFILIATE!

Summer, '23
There's so much happening with Chessin1day this summer, '23! 
We have been hosting family & guardian classes because students learn best when they
continue practice at home with family.  We've had parents, caregivers, guardians, grandparents take class alongside their kids and  attend on their own!

Also new at Chessin1day are classes just for girls as we aim to close the gender gap in chess and have a
big demand for these specific classes.

Upcoming this June at New Canaan Library, CT we will host a
Girls Chess Instruction & Pizza Party!

In our April class we were so excited to teach chess to high school 
exchange students visiting from Argentina!
  🌟As always, we provide free chess classes, target our programming to underserved populations,
and continue to bring the benefits of chess to all.


Affiliate US Chess
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Learn Chess at Teachers College, Columbia University w/Chessin1day

Let's Play - Chessin1Day Today!

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